So with BETA Windows 7 coming to a close, Release Candidate 1 is around the corner, as Microsoft gets closer to the Windows 7 release date.
Sadly, the same licensing scheme is being deployed for Window 7, with 6 possible configurations to separate wallets from pockets for what really is a piece meal.
- Windows 7 Starter
- Windows 7 Home Premium
- Windows 7 Professional
- Windows 7 Enterprise
- Windows 7 Ultimate.
- Windows 7 Home Basic will also be sold, but only to emerging markets.
But it is mostly about $ for what is in each version, versions that remove WMP to allow for EU anti-trust rulings, and about making the most out of your product.
It's not really bad for consumers, a cheaper OS on a low cost hardware platform makes sense for consumers, and a fully package bundle for high end consumers and enterprises. With that said. Windows 7 will be making it's debut soon enough. For some Vista is a nightmare, I personally feel Microsoft and sony owe me $1000, for a sony viao that was toasted by Vista or Sony's hardware. With a defunct hard-drive and burn in lines on the monitor, was it hardware, device drivers, or a bad os..
Windows 7, seems to be meeting expectations, it's removal of it's block everything and ask before you continue, has been re-worked. It's speed and BSOD seems to be less of an occurance.
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