
BETA - Windows 7 unavailable soon, did you BETA?

In the coming days Microsoft will be closing BETA for Window 7. To quote them "Time is running out! We'll be closing the Customer Preview Program for new registrations soon. So if you want to try the Windows 7 Beta, be sure to register and download within the next few days. (Now would be a good time, actually.)"

So, if you keen on finding out what all the fuss is about.. then head on over to the Beta download site: HERE

So with BETA Windows 7 coming to a close, Release Candidate 1 is around the corner, as Microsoft gets closer to the Windows 7 release date.

Sadly, the same licensing scheme is being deployed for Window 7, with 6 possible configurations to separate wallets from pockets for what really is a piece meal.

  • Windows 7 Starter
  • Windows 7 Home Premium
  • Windows 7 Professional
  • Windows 7 Enterprise
  • Windows 7 Ultimate.
  • Windows 7 Home Basic will also be sold, but only to emerging markets.

But it is mostly about $ for what is in each version, versions that remove WMP to allow for EU anti-trust rulings, and about making the most out of your product.

It's not really bad for consumers, a cheaper OS on a low cost hardware platform makes sense for consumers, and a fully package bundle for high end consumers and enterprises. With that said. Windows 7 will be making it's debut soon enough. For some Vista is a nightmare, I personally feel Microsoft and sony owe me $1000, for a sony viao that was toasted by Vista or Sony's hardware. With a defunct hard-drive and burn in lines on the monitor, was it hardware, device drivers, or a bad os..

Windows 7, seems to be meeting expectations, it's removal of it's block everything and ask before you continue, has been re-worked. It's speed and BSOD seems to be less of an occurance.

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