
Using Graboid 1.2 - TV and Movie Downloading and Streaming

Using Graboid 1.2
Graboid! What is Graboid? It's an extremley fast file downloading and streaming client for TV and Movie files.
Graboid version 1.2 has made finding and watching tv or movie on the internet faster than ever before possible.

Step 1:
Create an account: Get a Graboid account. Download the client software and setup your account. Graboid does not require any credit card information to setup the FREE account.

Step 2:

Sign up for the FREE 4GB a month account. Note today's date. Your 4GB limit will refresh this day each month. Login into the client with your account name and password.

Step 3: Select your Language filter

  • Select the options menu [top right corner of the screen]
  • Select the language flag of your choice. ** note that this removes all uncheck langauge files.

Step 4: Main Graboid Menu Screen
Using the menu or the search, find the movie you would like to see.

Step 5: Choosing a Graboid Video

When you click on the item, it expands to a selection menu. Notice that the video source is located under the Selections title. Now DVD and HD content is always better quality. But if you are using a Graboid FREE account, we recommend using the xVid or Divx sources. Good quality and smaller file sizes.

Choose to Play(Stream the file) or Download it. If you download the file, you'll find the download directory path in the preferences menu [top right corner] .

**** Graboid is spyware and virus free, using the software and the legality of it, in some countries is under debate.

Converting the files on Graboid to work on a portable device?

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