
What to do! Find an old episode to watch.

Since the writer strike began, I really didn’t pay much attention, as it gets further into the New Year, I’m starting to understand why the general public is looking for a way to stream television shows of favorite episodes or shows that they hadn’t seen. Why! Because the re-runs on TV are too fresh, just been seen episodes.

I totally understand how people refuse to pay large amounts of money to download from iTunes or Unbox. One would think that if these companies set a monthly fee or a package deal on lets say per 10 episodes, credits lets say. Maybe more people would choose legal downloading over sharing systems.

I’m sure by now everyone’s Tivo needs a break; our wallets are starting to bleed. The TV re-runs are sending us into a coma! Its about time someone thinks that if you can get unlimited TV for a dollar amount with your cable company, maybe there needs to be a section on iTunes or Unbox that allows for controlled fresh content that we could pay a reasonable amount per month. If I watch 3 hours of TV a night on iTunes at approx $2 an hour, I’m looking at $6 a night $42 a week, excuse me… $168 a month (approx). I don’t pay that for cable…

Ok, so if I need a one off episode or movie, I might think about it!

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