
Paralells Mac Desktop Bundle - Save $160

Parallels have teamed up with the best to bring you the most!

Introducing Parallels Desktop 3.0 for Mac

Premium Edition - bundled with three extra software packages to make user experience even safer and more secure for only $99.99! That’s almost $160 of FREE software!For a limited time only, get Parallels Desktop 3.0 Premium Edition AND a FREE $25 Apple Gift Card*!

What’s included?

Three extra software packages let users manage, backup and secure their virtual PC system like pro.
Customers get Parallels Desktop 3.0 PLUS:
Acronis DiskDirector Suite
Acronis TrueImage Home
Kaspersky Internet Security

Modify, move and merge partitions without losing data. Recover lost or deleted partitions and easily perform advanced operations such as boot record restoration.Regular Price - $49,99

Back up your entire Windows VM, including OS, software, settings and all. Choose to keep or discard any changes made to your VM!

Regular Price - $49,99

Protect your Windows virtual machine from virus, spyware and malware with Kaspersky’s new Triple Threat Protection.Regular Price - $79,99

Parallels Desktop for Mac Premium Edition

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